Originally Posted by AkumaX
how do i get the picasaweb sync done?
You need Gallery3d. It was originally pulled as it had issues... not sure what its status is, haven't really addressed it in a while.
Originally Posted by fishingmedic
So you are able to sync calendar stuff too? Arrrghhh mentioned that sometimes causes problems... maybe I'll see if I can get it to sync now that it's done it successfully once.
I can sync calendar stuff, but my buddy who freshly created a GMail account was not able to - and it was spitting out all sorts of odd errors until he unchecked it.
The problem was, I believe, that he never visited his calendar (new account) so GMail's exchange wasn't able to connect to it. That's my best guess - if you have problems with the calendar visit it within the GMail webUI and see if you can sync with it afterwards.