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Old 02-15-2011, 06:08 PM
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Re: Nokia says NO to google ! And says YES to Windows phone

Originally Posted by afolayan702 View Post
I see, thanks for clearing it up. Still is there anything that can be changed to avoid this? Is this a huge part why Android is so beloved by the carriers(besides its free)?
Either way I would like to have the option to try/purchase a Nokia version of WP7, but I almost have to wonder where/which carrier(s) in the U.S. will have them.
Well lets just say this..M$ and Verizon did not start on the right foot...with all the kin stuff that happened...

Android is liked by the carriers because its customizable yes..BUT at same time it allows us to easily remove their bloatware..which doesn't exactly make it their "ideal"...I mean, remember how the Nexus One was suppose to be on all carriers and then they all rejected it at the end for dumb reasons...

the thing thats driving Android to the carriers is simply because it sells well..When Android didn't sell well the didn't care..the $100 million dollar campaign Verizon did really boosted the sales for notice how many people call Android phones "Droids" even though thats not the official name...

Back then though the iphone was the only pda type accepted by the general public..sure there was winmo but the average consumer had lag and other things(due to low end hardware/lack of drivers) which turned them off..Android effectively entered at a really good time in the market..

In comparison M$ has it a lot tougher..they are entering already in a more mature smartphone market and they got new competitors like WebOs and I guess MeeGo (if intel plans to continue), also RIM entering the PDA market trying to be another option...
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