02-13-2011, 11:33 PM
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Re: [ROM][AOSP][OFFICIAL] MIUI v0.6 (1.2.11) HTC Incredible | Updated 2/13/2011
Aditional Downloads
[Kernel] [AOSP] Tiamat | Version 2.1.5 | | 1/8/11 by cayniarb
[Kernel] [AOSP] #28 by invisiblek
[Kernel] [AOSP] Cyanogen Mod #27 ( Thanks to Aiccucs)
And for you Brave Souls out there who like me live without fear and always make backups!!! can work with Ziggys betas which I have seen some amazing results... but you be the judge. 
[Kernel] [AOSP] Beta Kernel INC BFS HAVS 21 Jan 11 (72) (You can also follow future beta's | please post results!!)
Original MIUI Boot Animation
MIUI Boot Animation New UI (Snow Fall)
[Addon] HTC_IME Keyboard ( this is not a flashable zip, you have to extract it and install the apk on your phone)
[Addon] MIUI Stock Themed Gingerbread Keyboard ( Extracted from EVO port thanks bigrushdog and Ge~ - this is a flashable zip)
[Addon] Renamed GingerBread KeyBoard English Only( apk file - just download and install direct from your phone)
[Addon] Renamed GingerBread KeyBoard 17 Dicts( includes BG, CS, CZ, DA, DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, IT, NB, NL, PL, PT, RU, SL, and SV dictionaries. apk file like the above)
[Theme] iPhone 4 Theme modified by metalcated (updated 1/18/11) ( Customized the iPhone 4 Theme with better icons and status Window and proper Icons)
You can see more details @ iPhone 4 Plus Theme
* the renamed gingerbread keyboard allow you to keep your stock keyboard and have gb's one as an addition.
Remove Exchange Security Check for Email.apk
Last edited by warttack; 02-13-2011 at 11:36 PM.