02-13-2011, 11:33 PM
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changelog as per miui.com(changelog is for 1.2.18 - 1.2.19 was just a fix release)
changelog as per miui.com
Removed App2sd and Dalvik2cache until better stability
Updated Twitter, CarHome and Keyboard
Mostly Just Fixes for some issues in Phone, SMS, Desktop, Theme and Music apps.
Added Automatic App2sd and Dalvik2cache.
(if you use app2sd, dalvik2cache wont be enabled and vice versa. To setup app2sd just create an
ext partition on your sd card using rom manager or thru recovery and restart, the rom will do the rest. dalvik2cache is automatic if you're not using app2sd.)
Known Bug: Settings doesn't read a2sd partition so it will say device doesn't support a2sd+ thats just aesthetically and does not interfere in its functionality.
Maps and Navigation now work without workarounds, no more hanging.
Sound Recorder is fixed and functioning.
Enabled Google Backup(Now all the apps you usually download from market will be installed back after a full wipe as per google apps backup)
Updated to Language Pack C
New Phone UI by MarkHUK and wowthatisrandom
Mms video and pics fixed
All apps installing as it should, thanks for the twitter tip Newark_b.
phone call bug fixed. Please people dont restore phone data and settings, bug will come back if you do
sms/mms draft after msg sent fixed.
Initial 1.28 release
same apps same thing just updated as per miui.com
Changelog is here
updated whole rom to newest lang pack #1f
updated file explorer(no more chinse in file info)
updated Rom Manager info for OTA updates
[Language Pack]1/24/11
Updated to Language Pack F (includes pack D)
String improvements for ThemeManager.apk, Mms.apk, Backup.apk and MiuiMusic.apk
NEW! 3rd Edition MIUI UI (Created by MarkHUK of MIUI Developers MIUI Developers - Welcome to MIUI Developers!)
Fixed 'nickname' button for real this time!
Fixed the password_guide.png in Settings.apk, was Chinese
[Language Pack]1/23/11
Updated to Language Pack D
Fixed OK button on PIN pad
Updated SMS/MMS UI UPDATED TO NEW LOOK!! customizations by MarkHUK
Tiamat 2.1.5 Kernel built in with permission by cayniarb (big thanks to aiccucs for doing this)
Updated SMS/MMS + customizations by MarkHUK
Updated Music UI + customizations by MarkHUK
Updated Miui Camera (now supports up to 6.4 Mega Pixels, hopefully 8 soon)
Updated with MarkHUK 1c language pack
More to come
Fixed MMS's not being sent
Changed stock Camera now with 720p videos(thanks aiccucs)
Fixed thumbnails strobe when MIUI gallery is loading
Reduced desktop and animation memory usage
Fixed Launcher FC's
Fixed Online Themes issue
Message signature can be opened and edited in the settings now
Fixed MMS not playing audio and video
Re-added DSP Manager
Added 4 Way Reboot Mod (thanks aiccucs for the mod)
Fixed Network Location(weather apps and other apps based on location should work now)
Maps Downgraded to 4.6 for better stability(maps 5 can be downloaded from market if you wish)
Verizon Data Throttle Mod Removed as it was breaking "Mobile Network Settings" Menu
Quick Boot Removed(no need for it anymore)
Last edited by warttack; 02-21-2011 at 09:00 PM.