Originally Posted by trysomeothertime
My GPS appears to sometimes work with Google Maps. I use QuickGPS, but sometimes just cannot get a lock even after 5-6 minutes.
My QuickGPS does not have a setting for it to automatically download a file all of the time though. Maybe I am missing something?
This is not a feature of the program, if you want to run it, it needs to be downloaded every time you want to use GPS
Originally Posted by trysomeothertime
The other problem I had was with the cellular connection in Google Maps. Google Maps with GPS off always tells me that my "location is temporarily unavailable". Does anyone else have this problem? I thought that it should have some kind of a rough estimate for the current location via the towers?
Many thanks!
When you turn GPS off, it turns off aGPS as well, so Google can't get any infos.