Originally Posted by alabij
What I would like to know is why Sprint MMS has been removed/ never added to the Windows Mobile Platform. I'm pretty sure its not a billing issue. I was with T-Mo for 6 years and used the XDA, Ipaq 6315 and Wizard(MDA) on their network and all phones fully supported MMS.
I'm not upset I'd just like to hear a logical reason WHY?
i've kept up on all the threads on SU, XDA, Buzz & here, and i **** you not, the reason why it was removed was becaue it was pirated software. sprint never paid for the liences. they figured we can send pic to email and thats good enough. there was never a stink about it because we always had the hack. now that that's been shot down, we need to let them know that we want MMS and they need to stop being so cheep.