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Old 02-13-2011, 02:47 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Great ACL! Your mtdparts cmdline is off a bit though...
It should be something more like this:
If you do a cat mtd3 what is the size of your image? With the above mine is 368 MB. We should be able to adjust these a bit more to give us more system space. What do you think a good value for that would be?

Also I didn't see a update on git for the initrd...

For overclocking can we just leave the cmdline in there? And set it for 500? Then we can hex the cmdline if they want to over clock it... This is what they did for the Vogue. They actually have a tool for that, and some other things. Atools. Maybe we could use it in the future...
ahh sorry .. my machine made a mess of git but it should be updated now.

cmd line changes are just too ugly. THe support will remain there if anyone wishes to add it, but adding a /sys entry is easier since it will also allow us to play well with other builds. Cyanogen :-p ?. So yes, the support for cmd line over clock will remain. No need to set it to 500, it can be added if someone wishes.

i trust you guys with the mtd line. You and nate know more about this way more than me. The only thing i didnt really like about the line above is that the name of the partition dissapears. And calls the last partition partition3 or something. This sucks since android relies on the partition naming for mounting. Once you see the initrd, its dumb simple. There is absolutely no mount binds or modifications like the old rootfs. Just because android handles it all via its init script.

You should actually take a look at the sysinit.rc in the last android install i pushed up. look at all the mounts and mkdirs. a lot of it was already there but we can create more as needed. Vendors and custom roms seem to do it this way so might as well study it.

i put up my andinstall, andupdate and install script online as well. This was all i needed to install and run.

Index of /files/xdandroid/

I'm still ironing out some immediate issues. Screen calibration and what not.
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