Originally Posted by sinister1
Has anyone found a way to hack Outlook so that it doesn't a ask for you to tap on the screen so that it can download Internet pictures. I hate this shit you freakin have tap like 3 times to view your email. Also the tap to scroll right is getting on my last nerve, I've been up all night for the past week trying different variations of D word entries in the registry with no progress.
its to protect you from Spam and Phishing.... alot of spam is written so that when it gets opened, the origin gets notified, thus knowing its a working/functioning email addy... the result: it sends more spam...
the closet you can come to minimal steps to download an entire email is changing your settings... download size on Max, include attachments(still wont auto load pics), etc....... then you wont have to "download the email" when opening - that saves a steps... all you should have to hit is the download pics part now....
people have been asking this for a few years, not very often, but it does come up... dont think ive seen read a way around this fully..