Originally Posted by [ACL]
Finaly got everything in order (few randome reboots here and there but better than before) . I made the necessary chagnes to tinboot so we are all on the same page. I still need to clean it up a bit. I'm going to remove all the rhod variants and just have 1 line for everyone.
Few things will change with the kernel as well.
1) overclocking will no longer be done via cmd line. What's the most common android app to overclock? whatever it is it would be nice if we just comply with that.
2) I'm going to finish up the variant detection so keyboard will be detected ..
3) cdma detection will be done by the variant as well.
i pushed changes to initrd.. its stripped down now for size. Also i removed sdcard support since we are on nand. No need to go back to sdcard images now.  .. now time for bed ..
Couple of apps exist to overclock - "Overclocker" and "SetCPU". Not sure which we should prefer tho, I don't own a native Android device

Great work tho, can't wait to try it!