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Old 02-13-2011, 04:32 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete Froyo Bundle!!** FRX04 - "Stable"

Originally Posted by Flexplorer View Post
i'm not using andboot, i've got everything on the root of the card& i did copy the 400 startup file to the top level. i'm doing something wrong because now i'm trying the gingerbread build with the same prob.


I touched the screen & then it allowed me to calibrate the screen, & now it is finishing the boot! i just loaded gingerbread, but it will probly be the same on this frx04! i will report back.

edit again
i got it working now
on the first post arrr says to watch the boot screen & calibrate - no joke! WATCH the screen, my phone flickered past the calibrate screen, when I touched it, then it continued properly.
Glad it worked out for you! Yeah, I was using my ts-calibrate file I saved from a month ago. You should save yours and re-use it for future install setups. The one included with Tiad8 is inaccurate and is pretty bad.