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Old 02-12-2011, 06:16 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.6 [FINAL] Rom and Kitchen (12.28.10)

Originally Posted by BigDaddio13 View Post
So, can the file be replaced without recooking the ROM? Can you attach the file? I'm really diggin' this ROM and clearing this little glitch will probably provide me the last ROM I'll ever use on this device.
Ok. There are three things to try:

1) Disable Sense (Start-> Settings-> Today). Install the texting which you can find by simply exiting the thread to where you can see the list of thread. Click on the paper clip to the right of this thread, download and try to install it. If it does not install then

2) try to install manually with Resco File explorer. Disable Sense. Install text fix.rar which you can find by simply exiting the thread to the paper clip icon. Download, extract and put the .dll file on the sd card. If Resco does not show it on you card make sure you check the options and set it to view hidden files. The copy the the .dll to the Device/Windows folder. This should work after a restart. Now if the rom does not allow you to copy this file, then you will have to do a clear storage and do it IMMEDIATELY after reflashing the rom.

3) Cook it in. It should already be in the EXT\SHARED\020 Manila EXT folder.
Click the in the root of the kitchen. When it open click on load rom. Now see the list of files under 020 Manila EXT? If you notice Text_Selection 1920 is not highlighted, but Text_Selection_2017 is. Double click the 1920 to make it true, and double click the 2017 to make it false. Click Create Rom and wait for the rom to cook and install on your phone.

I think I might still have the kitchen so I'll just fix it
Thanks button? It's at the corner of this post.
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