Re: Windows Mobile 5 & 6 Themes for Download
Hey Vega, thanks, I would appreciate it if you could make it. Or is you could let me know of a software taht would let me create a theme using plain black bars.
With UITweak not only do I get the problem I stated above but also I cant seem to change the red font when clicking on a button and the separator bar next to the windows icon for the start menu is red also. I think this is because the base hue get set all the way back to the left and that makes it a red hue and when you tell it to just use Black bars it masks over that red hue.
I have tried a combination of sequences to get rid of that but once I reset it gives me the red on what I mentined. So to make it simple. I just want my theme to load up with black bars from the get go with out having to mess around with it afterwards. thanks.
By they way, if you do end up modifying my Themes, can you make it to when you do the click and hold, the dots to be dark gray instead of black like I have it currently on those themes I posted? Thats all they need, nothing else. Thank you.
I will wait, just let me know when its ready.