Originally Posted by afolayan702
If HTC, Samsung, Dell want to get chippy with having Nokia onboard- tough $*#%. IMO they used lower end device specs(just bare minimum specs besides what Microsoft required) and still managed to sell some. I know I would love to own one on my carrier either way, but the "complete finish" on the available handsets leaves something to be desired, some might say it would have been great specs if released in 2009.
Nokia is welcomed. They clearly need to come hard with Windows Phone and will not slack on making sure that they offer a highend Windows Phone handset like this for example:
Exclusive: Nokia's Windows Phone 7 concept revealed! -- Engadget
A concept yes, but doesnt't look like an Android cousin such as HD7. Rush24 of wmpoweruser(and was a guest on PPCGeeks Podcast 2.3.11) highlighted what Nokia will bring not only to Microsoft but all the other Window Phone OEMs:
Thoughts on the Nokia-Microsoft Alliance
Obviously it will take time: 2012 before we can hold a handset, but if it pushes other OEMs to step their game up, or get the heck out the way.
its not their fault they used bare minimum..M$ did not approve any other processor other then the 1st gen snapdragon yet...all thigns ha ve to be preapproved by M$...