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Old 02-11-2011, 07:40 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

I haven't tried it yet but I bet our cmdline mtdparts could change to something like this.
I'm not sure if that will make a difference or not but it sounds correct, because the Vogue has 256MB of ROM while the TP2 has 516MB.
In my dmesg.txt this is what my mtdparts look like:
[    7.477172] 4 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device msm_nand
[    7.477294] Creating 4 MTD partitions on "msm_nand":
[    7.477447] 0x00000000-0x10000000 : "nand"
[    7.594635] 0x04000000-0x05500000 : "root"
[    7.607391] 0x05500000-0x0d0a0000 : "system"
[    7.690460] 0x0d0a0000-0x20000000 : "Partition_003"
The last one should say userdata but it doesn't...

If I Cat mtd partitions:
mtd1: 21 MB
mtd2: 123 MB
mtd3: 368 MB

Edit: If we change these values then a bunch of other values in tinboot will have to change too..

Edit2: Ok, all this crazy talk has a reason... Once I boot. I have a bunch of the default widgets on the home screen, I then reboot and some of the widgets will not be there.

Here is what I think the tinboot script should look like.. again untested... (Note:I also removed the if statements)

@ Tinboot V 1.0
@ Very simple bootloader for HTC Vogue
@ Martin Johnson -
.equ    LOAD_START,     0x10000000
.equ    RAM_START,     0x10000000
.equ    RAM_SIZE,     0x0E600000
.equ    INITRD_START,     RAM_START+0x00800000
.equ    KERNEL_OFFSET,  0x8000
.equ     XIP_END,     0x2ff000

        .org 0
        b boot

        .org 0x40
        .word 0x43454345
        .word romhdr+0x80000000                @ location of wince romhdr 
        .word romhdr
.org 0x100
tags:        .word 5,0x54410001,1,0x1000,0             @ ATAG_CORE, pagesize=4K
        .word 4,0x54410002,RAM_SIZE,RAM_START        @ ATAG_MEM
        .word 4,0x54420005,INITRD_START,fin-initrd    @ ATAG_INITRD2
cmdline_start:    .word (cmdline_end-cmdline_start)/4,0x54410009    @ ATAG_CMDLINE

.ifdef rhod500
        .asciz "gsensor_axis=2,1,3 msmvkeyb_toggle=off htc_hw.force_cdma=1 panic=0 pm.sleep_mode=2 lcd.density=240 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=786432 mtdparts=msm_nand:0x20000000@0x0(nand),0x01500000@0x04000000(root),0x07BA0000@0x05500000(system),-0x06f600000x0D0A0000(userdata)"

.ifdef rhod400
        .asciz "gsensor_axis=2,1,3 msmvkeyb_toggle=off htc_hw.force_cdma=1 panic=0 pm.sleep_mode=2 lcd.density=240"

.ifdef rhod210
        .asciz "gsensor_axis=2,1,3 msmvkeyb_toggle=off htc_hw.force_cdma=0 panic=0 pm.sleep_mode=2 lcd.density=240"

.ifdef tilt2
        .asciz "gsensor_axis=2,1,3 msmvkeyb_toggle=off htc_hw.force_cdma=0 panic=0 pm.sleep_mode=2 lcd.density=240"

cmdline_end:    .word 0,0                    @ ATAG_END

        .org 0x00001000

boot:        ldr r0,loadstart_ptr
        ldr r1,ramstart_ptr
        ldr r3,fin_ptr

copycode:    ldr r2,[r0],#4
        str r2,[r1],#4
        cmp r1,r3
        blo copycode
        ldr pc,start_ptr

start:        ldr r0,initrd_ptr
        ldr r3,fin_ptr
        ldr r1,ird_start_ptr

copyinitrd:    ldr r2,[r0],#4
        str r2,[r1],#4
        cmp r0,r3
        blo copyinitrd

        mov r0,#0
        ldr r1,mtype
        ldr r2,tags_addr
        ldr pc,kernel_start

mtype:        .word MTYPE
start_ptr:    .word start+RAM_START
loadstart_ptr:    .word LOAD_START
ramstart_ptr:    .word RAM_START
initrd_ptr:    .word initrd+RAM_START
fin_ptr:    .word fin+RAM_START
ird_start_ptr:    .word INITRD_START
kernel_start:    .word RAM_START+0x8000
tags_addr:    .word RAM_START+0x100

        .word 0x0        @ dllfirst
        .word 0x0        @ dlllast
        .word 0x80000000    @ physfirst
        .word 0x80000000+fin    @ physlast
        .word 0            @ num mods
        .word 0x80000000+fin    @ ramstart
        .word 0x80000000    @ ramfree
        .word 0x83000000    @ ramend
        .word 0            @ copyentries
        .word 0x80000000    @ copyoffset
        .word 0            @ profilelen
        .word 0            @ profileoffset
        .word 0            @ numfileshy
        .word 0            @ flags
        .word 0x20        @ fsrampercent
        .word 0            @ drvglobstart
        .word 0            @ drvgloblen
        .word 0x201c2        @ cputype/flags
        .word 0x80000000    @ pextensions
        .word 0            @ trackingstart
        .word 0            @ trackinglen

        .org KERNEL_OFFSET
        .incbin "kernel/zImage"
        .incbin    "kernel/initrd.gz"
Edit again..: Updated tinboot above to something that boots.

Last edited by Lmiller1708; 02-11-2011 at 09:12 PM.
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