Originally Posted by [ACL]
woa really.. you were able to boot with a modded partition table ?
well i started studying the lzma patch yesterday and i can have it done by sat morning, but if you have it booting without it then there may be no need. The initrd is so huge because of all the busybox crap we have in there. Nate is right about that, its just really big. Can we get a smaller busybox with just the bare essentials.
I took apart some initrds from real android devices and they are tiny. Mainly because they dont have modded scripts or busybox to do the installation for them.
So correct me if im wrong here, but doesnt that mean we just need busybox to install and thats it? i think android already auto mounts everything else so thers is no need to mount it on the initrd. anyways just a theory..
Hehe, ACL, the two files we need to consider changing are adbd and busybox. I've already looked into both busybox and mtd_utils (which has our flash_erase). It is possible to compile busybox with only the commands that we use during boot, and man are there a ton of them in there that we don't use... I think I can get busybox down to around 400K, compile flash_erase independently, and then maybe find a smaller version of adbd. Realistically, I think we can do this in the 1.1 MB envelope you were wanting
For mounting sys before Android does it for us, we need to mount it to make changes like keyboard layout, LCD density, and cmdline stuff.