Originally Posted by billyman
I was a diehard WM user too (Treo700wx, Mogul, TP) and hated the thought of changing to Android, but since I have been on Android since about SEP of last year, I am sold. So far I can do everything w/ my EVO I could do w/ my TP and then some. As for the 2 apps you specifically mentioned; I have 2 alternatives for Music ID (Shazam & Sound Hound-both free) and Google Navigation is awesome as a TomTom/Garmin replacement. Research, ask questions and you'll be fine. Just my .02
Good luck.
+1 to that. I went from omnia to tp2 to evo. i was a die hard fan too. I was gonna wait till wp7 came out for sprint but after some research i decide to join the droid family. You will be able to everything that you did before but more. From what i have learned, WM apps and software are no good. Ages behind android. for example, their apps look poorly made visually compared to the apps on the droid market.