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Old 02-10-2011, 11:17 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Feb 1| 21916|28244 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
Easy there, calm... let's all try to get along here..

Lot's of people come in here demanding, insulting & impatiently looking for a quick fix.. maybe you're not that person... sorry if it seemed a tad harsh..

You're on the list, but I'll still try to help you.. last time.
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The paper clip does not work on two computers that I have.
>> pop up blocker (now added to the FAQ)

I needed the name of your cab so I could go look for it. I might have been better off doing a search for the cab vs looking thru all your post.
>> told you 2 times I didn't know the name... ??? If I say it again, will it be clearer? Thanks to kozmo.. but he also told you to search... as I did for opera:config! Or, simply put that in your address window of Opera, look under "Performance"... up your max connections.. but still you'll have to search!!! TIP: Once you're in there save it as a favorite, put a 1 in front of the name & it'll be on top when u pull up favs..

I never said that the ## codes don’t work.. I said that ## debug does not work.
>> last I checked ##debug is a ## code, to this minute after all that typing & temper, have you bothered to look in the FAQ & try the "possible" solution to it not working? OR, used one of the other 3 methods to check dbm?? There is an expectation of a certain minimum level of effort in order to help you out.

...why not just post links to your cabs? ..
>> I told you where all my cabs were, you either didn't read or refuse to. MORE IMPORTANTLY, AGAIN, THERE IS NO CAB OR SET OF CABS!!! For the 4th time... RECEPTION or SIGNAL STRENGTH or dbm or whatever you want to call it!!! IS my instruction/list/set of cleanly laid out / direct link (provided as to how)... That IS what I suggest, sorry if it's not what you want!

If this answer doesn't work for you, stop reading... it doesn't work for your situation! Remember, this whole thing was a picture of a screen of a speed test & how did I get those speeds?! It sure seems to have morphed into something else for you.

just looking for a set of instruction and direct links in order to accomplish the same feat ad you have already have.
>> and you got them, just not in the package you desired

Sorry that in the process of having something as good as you..
>> and for the 6th time!!!
You can't possibly have "it" as good as me if "it" is not real. Sorry..

Rarely do I stoop to this level but I'm starting to believe I need to! Normally this stuff gets no response, I'll say it again...
THE SPEED TEST SITE IS OBVIOUSLY SCREWED UP!! Really can't overstate that enough I guess!!!!

The only reason this is post here instead of a PM is to make sure everyone knows those speeds CAN'T POSSIBLY BE REAL & quit trying to find a magic button or cab to get them...

Will even still try to help you config your TP2, but will not continue this in public. PM me with any specific requests, b*tches or complaints.. Can work it out there.

every couple months, work with a rookie to help good deed goes unpunished! Grasshopper, if wanting to belittle... you'd know it.. ..I'm not!

Keep walking towards the carrot. You will get it eventually!
Or, put another way.. keep trying!

... do this for free?...
Read your long post and all I hear is blah blah blah this was not real.. First problem was the paper clip.. I can get to others for some reason just not the one to this thread.. Second.. if you didn’t remember the name of the cab fine.. Third.. As I stated in my post.. I am already aware of what ##@ data does and also stated that it will not help unless your in a static position *long story short. Forth.. I looked at the post you did the day before in this thread and there were no cabs.. Fifth.. Not in the package.. Right.. You just choose to spend more time attempting to make yourself sound good online for attention first then help second.. But its cool.. I get it.. Sixth.. Again I get it.. it was not real.. Then maybe you should edit your image post and say.. Look at this BS.. I wish this was real but its not.. This way its clear to everyone… I don’t require further assistance at this point.. Depending on where I am or what I’m doing.. The mods that I have on my phone I can see anywhere from 300-500, sometimes 1100 other times less than 100kb download. The image was deceiving and this was a complete misunderstand followed by simple questions and elaborate answers. Oh.. and yeah.. I am far from a rookie sir.. I just don’t post on here as much as you do.. So I guess by that its easy to assume so. Oh and the carrot.. I broke the stick.. It fell to the floor and I ate that shit.. As far as free?? SMH.. It may shock you with the amount of information I have given on the internet for free under this same username it will shock you twice as much if you looked at my paypal account and saw the amount of donations I have given for information given to me! Enjoy your day and I wish you the best.. Thanks for all your assistance.
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