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Old 02-10-2011, 10:59 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

I agree that WP7 has a few bugs and needs an update, but this is a really nice user experience OS!

I have been using it for over a month now and it does continue to grow on me. It will succeed as a mobile OS because it does offer some things that neither Android nor iOS can offer, and those are unfragmented, more integrated, smoother, more fluid UI. It will evolve guys.

We will see custom UIs and 3rd party multi-tasking and all that jazz, but it has to be implemented the right way, look how long it took iOS to put in multi-tasking! Give it some time, starting out this strict on specs and apps was a brilliant move, it got the devs to stay honest!

if your app does not state-save the right way instead of just trying to tombstone every app then it will be killed! when true multi-tasking and tombstoning hits WP7, then devs will be used to making efficient apps, so you don't have a backgrounded fart app eating 50mb of RAM and using up your battery.

Give it some time, and give it a chance. MS has proven they can let a product stay on the Market for a long time before it starts to earn serious cash and market share, they have a very long term approach on this, and they are more worried about what the users who own phones think than how many initial units they sell.
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