Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Yeah, what I am looking at is finding out exactly where the NAND starts so we can put tinboot at the very beginning and maximize the amount of space we have to use on NAND. I guess it doesn't really matter at this point since we know the locations we are writing to are valid.
I guess we could try using the vogue's current tinboot build, make the MTYPE change, mem start change and other changes and see how it works. I was in the process of doing that last night just to see if it worked by chance, but I got pulled away by the wife. Unfortunately, we have a dinner party at some friends tonight, so I won't have a computer all night 
i already diff'ed the tinboot sources and they aren't that different. Lmiller actually already added the emptyimgs portion at the end but one thing missing is removing it from the payload. I'm not sure how to do this.. is there a partition table editor ? lol or do we have to hex edit it out?
Or take the partitions table and hex edit it to match our layout. This way we dont remove data, just modify it.