Pim Backup...Windows OS to Palm Os
I am a Sprint Rep who deals with this site on a daily basis. All the threads have been a huge help to me. I am no where near as knowledgable as many of you on here but in the area for which I live and work I seem to be the Treo and PPC expert. Well today I came across something I have been trying to avoid for a while but now I am face to face with this dilema. I'm not sure if any of you have walked into a sprint store and had them tell you sorry we can't do anything with your contacts and you are forced to write them all down. Well I came up with the solution for my PPC customers. I downloaded PIM Backup onto our computer in the back and everyone who leaves with a window based device I encourage them to let me show them the program and show them how they never have to worry about losing their contacts again. Well today I had someone go from a Touch (I bluetoothed all his contacts to this phone from a Sanyo which you can send all the contacts at once) to a Centro. Unfortunately the customer erased the Sanyo's contacts. So the reps sent him back to me today saying I would be the only one to figure out how to do his contacts. I changed them to a Q where he wouldn't have to search each time he sent a contact via Bluetooth but my question is.....Is there any programs out there that anyone knows of that will convert the pim backup from the windows format to one that can be read with a Palm OS? I have looked up everything and I can't find an easy solution for my customers. This issue will rarely ever arise but I would like to be prepared for the next go round. Please if anyone knows a solution then please inform me of how to do this. Thanks.