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Old 02-07-2011, 03:00 PM
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Re: 1/31 patched rootfs: More working keyboard keys and classic home for Rhod210/400/

Originally Posted by tekknogenius View Post
This is great added functionality. Any chance of moddiing one of the kernels that has camera access? Thank you again.
Thanks for the compliment!

I'm not involved in any kernel development so far, so probably not. What is it you'd like to see one of those kernels do?

XDAndroid work is basically in 3 parts:
1. Kernel coding development. This gets hardware working, and so is the most critical type of development at this stage, since we have so much hardware that isn't working right. This is the zImage and the module.
2. System coding development. This gets Android working right on top of hardware that is already working right, which is also very important. This is the system.ext2/rootfs.img.
3. High level system work. This is what people in WinMo refer to as cooking by the chefs, taking pre-existing stuff, and tweaking configurations and files (in system.ext2 or rootfs.img) and packaging it up without coding anything new. This is all that I've done so far.

The 3 parts are fairly independent from each other. So you can take my modified rootfs, and it works with any kernel you like, for example the camera-enabled test kernel.
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