Re: Have to return bricked 6800. What will they look for?
New Phone on the way! I played dumb... LOL Now the question is, should I venture it again? I'm thinking I may but will wait for a few months so as to not make them suspect anything if I have to say, call in for them to reset my data with the new radio. Man, I respect all of you but that 3.27 radio is scary! I'm not sure I'll brave it until I see and hear of more Verizon users having lots of success!
Thanks again to all that responded! I've learned a lot and may be flashing again soon.
UPDATE: 3/8/08
SO! I got the replacement and after reading some more threads and doing some thinking, No I'm too scared to try again, the radio is probably what killed me. I did at one point upgrade the radio and ROM and managed to get it relocked and on the original Verizon ROM successfully. I think the thing I missed was flashing the radio back to say 1.40 FIRST, then the original ROM, and finally a relock and maybe the ROM again.
This past attempt, that may or may not have bricked me, was me relocking, then trying to revert the Radio or OS ROMs. All I got was the gray screen with a hung 0% no matter what ROM I tried. I even tried loading ROMs from the memory card and got the "Loading...." screen and hung there. (Guessing it was trying to read the image file) I never got the "Hit the power button now to upgrade" or whatever is supposed to show up.
To all those playing with the new Radio 3.27, just beware and READ the directions. IF you want to go back be sure to get off the new RADIO FIRST! I think that is the key. For now, I'll sit back a while and maybe gain some confidence and dare this again in a month or so.
Have fun,
Last edited by JDiddyC; 03-08-2008 at 09:40 AM.
Reason: UPDATE: