Originally Posted by gera229
Wow I enabled data and it seems to work. Thanks gTen you were helpful. I am just not used to having data enabled manually lol. When I open opera mobile or opera mini data enables by itself and when I close it, it disables on its own.
Thank you! I am happy now.
Also just curious about what domain is?
Also will it matter if your connection is dynamic or static?
Yes..if its dynamic you won't know what IP to use..so use that URL or another similar service I gave you to create a hostname..so instead of using the public IP you will use the hostname instead in the computer field..this hostname will be static..
And yes some apps are not able to get data on their own..happens all the time and its annoying >.>
As for Domain..usually when you have a network you specify a domain...with this domain you can set group polices and etc...nothing to worry about..
but if you really want to know here is the wiki:
Windows domain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia