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Old 02-03-2011, 01:38 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Nope no modification was necessary. To get to the replimenu hold the Vol Up key. Then the screen can be used instead of the keys... Not perfect but it works. Touch the lower left to go down and lower right to go up, then touch the center for OK.

I just installed the most recent Vogue from the link you gave me above.

How are you guys making your initramfs, I think this is where I'm going wrong? Here is the script that I made...
cd initramfs
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.gz
cd ../
mv initrd.gz tinboot-linux-msm/kernel/initrd.gz
echo rm initrd.gz
Ah, see, I got into replimenu, but I could never get it to move up or down. I did try clicking around on the screen, pressing all the buttons, and even using the hardware keyboard. Maybe I was just pressing in the wrong areas.

I'll be looking at the initramfs stuff tonight when I get off work. The links are easy to create, but we need to make sure that all of the files exist in our system. I have a feeling they are using some we aren't because they actually have full NAND working.

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
havent hand time to mess with this at all last night. I passed out in my chair and never work up. Now i gotta get my ass to work.

Nate: bootenv in Tinboot for linux-msm - Gitorious

That will be our initird repo.
Awesome! I'll set up my key tonight when I get home. Last night I worked on looking through our initrd and rootfs to see what was already handled by the Vogue initrd. I'm slowly migrating each component we need into the bootenv init, and when it's done, I'll be able to update our init on the repo.

I think I'm going to make some changes to the installer as well so that we use volume up/down to navigate the menu, then power button to select. Just means I have to migrate button mappings into bootenv as well.

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Not a problem. Vogue is the same way as yours though...
I think its in the build script, but not sure...

Also do you have a TAR of the FRX04?
I made one but I can't get it to boot, I also included the files from the Rootfs.
If you are still using the Vogue initrd, you would need to make changes to call the rootfs init. Another option you could try is to replace the system files in the Vogue androidinstall.tgz with the files from FRX04 and see if their Android init file works.
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