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Old 02-02-2011, 06:32 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/2/11 New Kernel (system_server Debug Help Needed!)

Originally Posted by 808souljah View Post
i downloaded tiads updated 1.28, and took the battery kernel and zimage file included, I dropped that into my 1.28 build which had the camera running(not the updated 1.28 but the original). I use taskiller to kill tasks, and even then it still does the same thing... is there an updated version of the battery kernel that fixes this problem? but other than that problem, I feel like my battery life has been dramatically increased!
Originally Posted by 808souljah View Post
and why does my end button wake my phone from sleep? I changed it to only go home?
I appreciate you wanting to run this kernel, but it doesn't seem like you're very keen on pulling logs for me.

This newest kernel should only be run if you're going to pull a dmesg for me. If you can't be bothered, then don't bother downloading it.

Also, all of the 4-buttons on the bottom wake my phone. I believe this is status quo.
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