Originally Posted by teradog
hehe.. oox is still swinging around the TP2! at least you're not dumping it like the traitor Kiowa  (kidding kiowa...) hows lugging around that oversized monster? doesn't the evo come with wheels & a pull handle?
lmfao beating me up again, man i need some love! lmfao, j/k. as you can see yeah i did switch to the dark side but since the phone runs so great i still have time and love for my TP2 brotheren lol. no doesn't come with wheels and a handle, i put it in my backpack and use a bluetooth to carry it around lol. actually i'm diggin the size of it, fits good in my hands and still fits in all my pockets, spent like 3 hours last night putting a ghost armor full body screen protector on it, lol yes 3 hours, you say why 3 hours, i'm anal like that lol, plus i have the regular battery and the extended 2600 mAH that i had to put covers on. and last thing, i love you guys even though you try and shun me lmao.