Originally Posted by okwassup
Hey i got my baby evo back alive ., all i did was used the new roms as you told me ., and know its alive ., ok i didnt do anything with the revoked .??, do i have to do a thing .??
If i may ask anther question please ., i like to use QXDM to zero some memory locations ., i really could not do it on my own ,didnt understand steps ...etc ., however, i found some posts with people posting their scans ...etc to zero memory locations , but they use older radios on their EVos., so know that iam ok again , can i just flash an older radio ., or use older RUU from same place you showed me, hey hope this time i wont kill it again
thank you again
I would be really careful with QXDM, you can do some real damage with that. Is there something specific you want to block out? I think for most people the wipe options in Amon-Ra should suffice.
I think that you can flash back an older RUU, I am not sure if it will reflash the old HBoot though.
I have seen a custom rom on here there is supposed to wipe out EVERYTHING on your phone completely. That is meant to be used in case of dire troubles before flashing a new custom rom, or the RUU like you did. If your phone is running, then you should not need that.
It is a good Idea to do a nandroid backup before you try anything out of the ordinary.