Originally Posted by powinmo
28xxx ROMs are guess are uploading shortly for us... It's up for Leo's now.... Heh. Seems NRGZ bowed to user requests for 28xxx. But since DFT is back up, and other chefs are using 29009 with good success so far... I'm kinda wondering why not continue with the 29xxx branch.
Agreed, I even sent a tweet begging him not to...?! (I only saw one user in particular)
Originally Posted by kern417
i saw this in the wiki http://wiki.ppcgeeks.com/index.php?t...p_slowing_down.
This is my exact issue. No matter the ROM, eventually my phone becomes slow and i have to clear storage and start over if i want any speed. I have always believed my phone moved slow and experienced SOD due to the data connection. whenever it tries to update my whole phone slows down to a crawl...i saw a solution as moving twitter to SD card. I remember trying this with email and texts...where is the .vol file for twitter tab? is it moved the same way? any info is helpful thanks
Added this line to wiki, from DaveTN..
A2: Over 100 text messages has been a reported trigger, no known cause yet, delete older text msgs for now.
Yea, did a post a while back on moving email to SD card (Sept?).. ANYONE ELSE HAVE INFO RE. MOVING TEXTS TO SD?
"phone moved slow and experienced SOD due to the data connection. whenever it tries to update my whole phone slows down to a crawl.."
Don't understand this?? Whenever "it" "tries to update".. what? My data connection is always on!....?
Originally Posted by mdphoenix
Energy.RHODCDMA.29007.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Jan.26 Is what I have now.
First flash was bad. I left the PagePool @ 18 by default. It booted up, I provisioned to VZW. Set up my e-mail.
Pressing the start button resulted in either a 4 second delay, or me having to press Start again for the menu to come up. It was really slow to switch pages. I went in to advanced config and noticed it was showing the Glyph Cache @ 1 MB. Not sure if that's a glitch or it was accidentally set that low. Anyway, bumped it up to 128 and restarted. Still really slow and choppy. I just re-flashed with a 22 meg PagePool. Provisioned for VZW and increased Glyph Cache to 128. I've done nothing else yet. Not even configured e-mail. Start menu still very slow to come up or non-responsive.
So, SOLUTION WAS REFLASH? right? just want to make sure you big issues went away with a reflash.. You obviously know your stuff by what you post...
Now the remaining issue is slow startmenu correct? You didn't mention which one you're running? the windows stock? If so, I'll let you know the FIRST thing I do in every flash is dump Windows startmenu for either "Panel" or "Compact" (Quickmenu... actually I run both @ same time, choose Quickmenu first, then back in & choose Panel... then upper left is still hot trigger for quick)... just a personal choice that saves 25 MB RAM right off the top.
Even if it's not your fav, if I were you.. basic troubleshooting would suggest dumping it with settings, startmenu layout & see what your results are. Please let us know.
*edit* burn the new ROM, the one you're on is now old :>))
Originally Posted by mdphoenix
I hear 1.8.5 was really good.
I'm going to task 29 this thing and run Energy.RHODCDMA.29007.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Jan.26 again with the 22MB pagepool.
Never back, only forward... especially if you have had issues, burn the new 28xxx ROM, if still issues, try 21xxx... (typically less issues)
Originally Posted by ooxteme
Looks like i got the replacememt tp2 just in time for the new rom release! has it real been since last november since the last sense update??????
Sent from my super EVO!
hehe.. oox is still swinging around the TP2! at least you're not dumping it like the traitor Kiowa

(kidding kiowa...) hows lugging around that oversized monster? doesn't the evo come with wheels & a pull handle?
Originally Posted by steveo70
Yes, it is included according to his site ...Lastly, sometimes the things we don't notice wows us because we don't notice. Just another reason to flash!
Well put, those of you having issues, download new ROM, task29, wipe, restore only contacts, don't edit layout of cookie & let us know.
Originally Posted by krazydude
... whereas his POLL on the votesx show 29007 as the highest votes..!!!...
anyways ours not to question why....as long as i have a new toy!!!!
+1 what amazed me about that poll is he didn't even have the 6.5.3 21xxx series in there for vote!!! After all, that ROM really saved our bacon from a string of issue ROMs. It was litterally error free compared to it's predecessors, can't recall any major issues with it at all, if any build other than 29xxx I'd like to see 6.5.3 21xxx tried. If I remember correctly the only reason given for moving off it was that the new OS was faster... lol
Originally Posted by Monfro
.. if I remember correct, we had weird issue after issue & the forum was filled with problems... certainly seemed way more issues than others..
Originally Posted by Monfro
TomTom broke our Bluetooth...
Here you can download fixed versions.
I have repacked W/VGA Tom Tom 7.916 and 7.918.
TomTom works well, and the problem with Bluetooth on my Touch Pro 2 disappeared!!
don't remember what "your" issue was, can you remind us? Was it the hangup issue? If so... that's a biggy, would be nice to know exactly which "problem" your repack is a solution to... also, perhaps if it is hangup & we can find that all with the hangup issue are using tomtom, problem solved?!
Originally Posted by faceoff101
Yes I did have a bad download. Thank you for your advice I appreciate it I just finished installing GTX and it's a nice rom =D>. I'll be coming back here for more future update's.
Kiowa, if we had a nickel for everytime that was post... going to add something to wiki @ the top about first few steps if someone is having issues with the "new" ROM... thanks for the update faceoff (hockey?)..
Originally Posted by madkoopa
...My calender won't sync... I have the latest Feb 1stbuild
2 things.
1. first issue on the 28xxx ROMS? anyone else?
2. flippen A man..! sheessshh c'mon.. "i have feb 1 ROM", look above, over & over we've requested the exact ROM you DL'd, on the last page in fact... requested to copy & paste from hotfile! If y'all really want to fix issues vs. complain... don't you think by now it may be important for others trying to help to know, if you're running 21xxx vs 28xxx (29xxx) OR if you are running Sense as opposed to titanium or max? OR Cookie? 3 major ROM differences that most certainly would impact a persons reply!
..after seeing post below... LOL madkoopa, forgot that one... AND Carrier! :>))
Summary: New ROM issue?
Anyone else? Calendar won't sync, Verizon Energy.RHODCDMA.28244.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Feb.01.7 z