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Old 02-02-2011, 10:33 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [01/23] FRX04 Reference!

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
Well I did a comprehensive search and all I could find was more live wallpapers.

But I did look into the blazin build and I found three that show promise. Im guessing its the LiveWallpapersPicker.apk

Isn't it?

Thanks Ill be trying it out.

and I know about how it may drain the battery but arn't there ways of making it more effeciant. Again just a question I completly understand its not a priority.

Here they are if anyone else wants them.
Yea, the picker is the one you want. The additional APK's are other LiveWallpapers themselves.

It's not really battery drain... it's proc power. Our old phones are... old. They don't support OpenGLES2.0, and the processor is slow. Nothing you can really do to overcome that, short of buying a new phone. Seems like there might be a little bit of hw performance to improve upon but not much, devs have done a good job at optimizing gfx performance. The only limit (potentially) is that 30fps limit - Evo had the same issue, although very different hardware. Not sure what the max FPS we could get out of it is, but FPS2D shows 30 with the screen on and like 100+ with it off. I've seen it randomly hit 50, so perhaps there is more hiding in there that's limiting it.

Only so much you can do in software to overcome hardware limitations. I'm not trying to run Windows 7 on my Apple IIe .
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