Originally Posted by [ACL]
ahh.. well i already copied all this stuff. Hard part is done actually. I need to buy cotulla a bottle of some sort of booze cuz without his nand driver this wouldnt work. The only thing that needs to be done now is just scripting. So now we break away from the xdandroid rootfs and initird.
You know we should just do what the hd2 guys did for the ril. They made a wrapper for the htc propierary ril and let it do its thing. No need to worry about how anything works..lol.
Haha, indeed!
As to the RIL-wrapper, we should take another look at it. stinebd tried to do some RIL-wrapping magic, but I'm not even sure what he was doin - I was just testing a build for him a few months back that had a wrapped RIL. Let's just say it didn't work
