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Old 01-31-2011, 07:00 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I've got about 12 different USB cables that I've tried, including the special ones with 2x USB to 1x mini-USB connector (for powering laptop drives that exceed 500ma). I have three original HTC cables that came with the phone (and two others at work that are the same). Sadly, none of them work.

Wish it were that simple. I've used canned air as well as a plastic brush we commonly use to clean the fans on servers. It looks perfectly clean in there, so my thought is it must be the connector to the board or something wrong with the bootloader itself. Sadly, I can't re-flash HSPL since I have no USB...
wow so this is possibly hardware issue. So what do you have in there now that boots ? if its android then when you plug usb in, dmesg shouldnt see any gpios trigger.

have you tried going back to oem winmo via sdcard and praying ?
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