Originally Posted by quick99si
They may need to upgrade to SERO-P, not necessarily have to. To me it sounds like they remain undecided on the policy so they left is open/ambiguous. I say that because the rest of that length article is very detailed and provides concrete information for virtually all individual circumstances.
FWIW SERO-P also comes with things like GPS, AMAT, and more device options which is attracting a lot of SERO users as it is. So Sprint will still say that it's not a $10 "premium data fee" for SERO because it comes with all that crap above as well.
No new smartphones are compatible with the old SERO plans. So unless you are using old Windows Mobile or something like that, then you'll need to upgrade.
BTW, any new smartphone also has free GPS. I don't know why everyone always touts Sprint as including free GPS. Every smartphone sold in the last couple years has free GPS. Certainly every smartphone that requires a Sprint everything plan or an upgraded SERO plan.