Originally Posted by run_amuck
also the text messaging is much improved resposne time, however its still not flipping landscape when i pop out the keyboard, i have to roatte the whole phone so the gyrometer recognizes its landscape, then i can pop the keyboard out, then type (the text doesn't show onthe screen till i pop the keyboard back in and it has to "think" what i just typed in.(so im getting used to using the on screen keyboard i think, but i bought the tp2 for the hard keyed keyboard)
other than the data sprint issue, the txt messaging and the windows button refresh, it works much betetr
what if you just used HTC's default txt message app?
The normal txt for htc runs through sense, and HTC messaging client doesn't provide mms through all carriers is the reason for me using arcsoft :/I'll check and see if I can disable the g-sensor but still keep landscape.