Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
you can turn off "wake-up on new sms" using Advanced COnfig or Diamond hack..
proximity blocked, hmmmmm, you can make it lock when flipped upside down.. thats close... there may be other options... i know someone around here was just delving into reg settings and such for prox sensor.. maybe he can add more..
and ive never really heard the request for 5sec timeout... you can goto system/power and change that.. but after looking its no less than 1min.... theres gotta be a reg for this somewhere, edit that and you should be able to set your own timeout... id think
yea its not in the windows settings but since i'm a pretty heavy user i used s2u2 to control most of my power settings...basically my phone was never on for more than 5 sec unless i was using it. Now if it lights up for new sms it stays on a minimum of 1 min which makes it use up more battery off the charger and heat up a lot more when on the charger...i took your advice and disabled wake up but i used this a lot for example if my phone is on the bed and the ringtone gets muffled, i still get the visual notification. I don't always notice the LED light...
i'm one of the few that wants visual (light up) as well as sound (ringtone) and feeling (vibrate) notifications...it makes sure not matter what i know when my phone goes off lol. but the disabling wake up is a good fix for now, i ended up using BSB Tweaks that comes with EnergyROM to change it. thanks