Originally Posted by Mr. X
The lame factor is rising by epic proportions in this thread, Only you guys can stop that.
Lets try to keep it clean and 1) follow the rules, this means be respectful to each other. No matter what language it is in. and 2) not bait and antagonize people to break the rules.
I'm also going to point something out here, In my opinion talking behind some ones back is what scumbags do, because they don't have the guts to voice something to there face. Bashing some one in a language they cannot understand is the same thing.
Not that I or PPCGeeks condones bashing but if you have the undieing need to break the rules and be punished for it then at least do it like a man and nor a coward.
lol, we're pointing this out in a Thread that has no merit??? it says "What is Sprint Asurion Offering...." TP2s... sprint hasnt discoutinued TP2s... VZW did....
so ummm, this thread has pretty much been off topic since it was written.... shut it down! hehe