01-29-2011, 11:27 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES
Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx
Ok, what are we trying to prove again? Why the speed test? Forgot and I'm not reading back through the bickering posts.
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
i asked why pay extra for the same thing? re-read this thread, or my last post .
Originally Posted by austin420
Wirelessly posted (The Most EPIC ppc.: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; SPH-D700 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)
They think that by showing a slower speedtest than their fluke speedtest will somehow justify their existice.
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
here's the answer! as soon as you post with a certified 4g phone, i'll post with one that's not. (and i don't pay extra). the #3 carrier will soon be lower than a snake's belly lmao!
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
please don't ask me to post mine (again)....it'll make you sick and i'm sitting in my living room...no wifi .
Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx
Too late, I'm already sick. I'm headed to the nearest corporate T-Mobile store to do some real comparisons. This last test is slower than 3G. LOL I don't know what happened there.
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
let's do something better: you keep paying $10 extra bucks and putt along at sprint speed, i won't and bolt across the web . don't get mad at me because sprint decided to charge extra and you fell for it....my 4.3" snapdragoned device (that came out before the evo) didn't cost me anything extra. as soon as anyone from this thread who's defending the charge trashes sprint later on about slow 4g or paying extra, i'll be there to wipe the tears with posts from this thread !
Originally Posted by BlackDynamite
Following that logic...
I have a house phone with unlimited minutes, and another phone at my work desk.
I just use my cell phone mostly for messaging, data, apps, gps, camera, and occasionally a voice call.
Let me call you from my landline and leave the call connected for a week. Lets see if that $10 extra you are spending is worth it.
Again, I have an Evo. Just pointing out that your logic does not work for everyone.
Originally Posted by Dr.8820
this thread is epic....or evoed lmao!