Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx
Unfortunately you haven't done your homework. Read the small print over at Verizon and you are STILL going to pay a lot more for Verizon's so-called unlimited data plans. And until they stand behind their recent claims of unlimited data, its not real yet. Use over 5gb data in billing cycle on Verizon or AT&T and then come post your thoughts. T-Mobile openly throttles after a predetermined amount usage.. might as well call it capped. You won't be watching youtube on those throttled speeds! Yep you amaze me too.
Speaking of homework, you know Verizon lost a lawsuit over calling plans unlimited that really weren't and were forced to pay everyone back and either make it unlimited or stop calling it unlimited, right? and this was a few years ago:
Verizon settles lawsuit over 'unlimited' data plans - FierceBroadbandWireless
Again, Verizon has unlimited data, and have said the iPhone will also have unlimited data. T-Mobile has unlimited data that they reserve the right to slow down after a certain amount on abusers. They got that idea from Sprint, who has been reserving that right for several years now.