Originally Posted by slthomas00
I have been running 29007 for about 2 days now. My battery is working as well as R2 Sharkie ROM's now. Strange that for the first few hours after the install the battery tanked. Here is what I did that may have helped:
- Went into nueBattery and reset to defaults. Then checked all options except enable fast charge.
- installed 2.37 radio (seems like bars are now higher)
- ROM settled in (?)
I have been using since 6:45 this morning (now 3:30 and I am at 54%). Much better than 2 days ago.
- I have had bluetooth enabled all day
- On about 2 hours of calls via bluetooth in the car
- Manually checked Exchange email 3-5 times/hour via Activesync
- Weather updates ever 30 mins
- Send/Receive about 30 text messages
- Used Opera 5-6 times
- Used Google Maps once
- Used music player for about 10 minutes (couple of songs)
- Played 3 videos (30 seconds each)
edit: and this build is FAST - loving it. Also no bugs/issues I can find. Concerned now Sharkie I may never flash again
Yeah, I would certainly say that battery life sounds awesome especially with bluetooth on all day. Thanks very much for that detailed report!
I'll keep putting out ROMs until I don't have a TP2 anymore (no time soon), and I don't expect that everyone will like every ROM the same. I'm glad that you have found this base ROM for yourself.
I agree with your assessment of 29007. I'm lovin' it! So far, that's what I'll be sticking with.