Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo
I agree that Sammy needs to step up and get some better support going, but we have a great dev community supporting it, so I don't really feel like I'm missing anything.
Funny, I remember when I had my TP2 and everyone was pissed at HTC and Sprint for taking so long to release WinMo 6.5 upgrade. It aint just Sammy.
Originally Posted by austin420
yo jb,
bad news for ya! supposedly they are taking away the yearly upgrades on april 1st. if you havent qualified by then, supposedly, thy arent grandfathering anybody in.
Not taking it away, just changing the criteria. Quoting CNet:
"After April 1, however, the Premier membership will be split into Gold and Silver memberships. Gold members are either customers who've been around for more than 10 years, or those who pay at least $89.99 a month for an individual plan and at least $169.99 a month for a family plan. Gold members will be eligible for all of the same benefits as the previous Premier customers. However, those who don't meet those minimum requirements will be downgraded to a Silver membership. Silver members will no longer qualify for the annual early upgrade; they will have to wait at least 22 months into a two-year contract. Other benefits remain the same."
Sprint Premier Gold and Silver
Lucky me, I have the best of both worlds, a SERO customer who's been with Sprint more than 10 years....SERO Premium Premier Gold!