Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Great report, thanks for the feedback!
no problem bro!!
Originally Posted by slthomas00
Thanks for your usage report/battery life on your other post. That helps. I am starting to think my battery is going bad. Going to pick up a new one today. I second the outstanding efforts comment. Thank you Sharkie!
very possible,hope the new battery fixes the issues you been having
Originally Posted by kjhadfield
reply 2 straitup report. im on same rom and my batt is complete opposite. i dont get it. 100 at 7am then only 2 missed calls all settings @ default and only app installed, coreplayer, @ 12pm batt down to 28. on the flip, you had batt issues on final v3 where as mine was great.
agree bout memory, never a prob.
@ sharkie, i noticed when i flashed os was listed 1st then the splashs but i always thought i remembeted the splash being 1st on list then os. so u prolly right on ur therory
yeah that is strange lol
Originally Posted by Sharkie405
You don't seriously expect me to believe that this is in any way the ROMs fault do you? C'mon now. Clearly there are other things at play with your battery. Obviously none of my ROMs have ever had battery lives that were that bad. I would have known seeing as how I only use my ROMs.
+1000 man there are so many things that affect battery life it's not even funny nor am i going to begin to list all the reasons,but i agree 100% if you got 1 whole hr out of a full charge then your problem could lay elsewhere,not being a smartass but did you try a different build after that? what about your radio? whats your signal strength like,and ect.
Originally Posted by dave71981
first off, great rom sharkie. i am currently running the generic v3 29007 rom. i had trouble with my battery too, but since i unchecked everything in nue battery and did a soft reset the battery is last all day with no charge. search works on uc web from tab, but not when i am in the web browser, that and land scape on a couple tabs, no biggy compared to other roms ive tried. i was just curious if u could point me to a link for stopping data hook up and a action link for completely silencing ur phone. thanks
yes there is ways to do both of the things you want with the rom on your phone
freshen yourself up on cookies home tab 2.0 and all its options and widgets and ect. all you need to know is here with additional wigdets if you prefer
[Manila][12-Nov-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 - Final Released - xda-developers