Originally Posted by ndno
OK, never mind... I re-take it back a second and I stand on what I said about the sluggishness/FCs originally. It's working for me with the 1253 kernel. No sluggishness, no FCs. It's when I switch to viruscrazy's camera kernel/libraries that I get sluggishness and FCs. So yay, the APN seems to fix the issue when using the 1253 kernel. Just try using the 1253 kernel with the Sprint APN settings I posted above.
Sorry but I have no clue as to the relationship between sluggishness and the system_server pegging. I need to find some time to get the XDandroid development system set up and learn more about it. ADB sounds like a front end to a GDB client on the PC communicating to the GDB server on the TP2.
adb is just the Android Debugging Bridge. Very useful for pulling dmesg/logcat logs, and looking at the phone directly thru a shell prompt.
I still get sluggishness/FC's with the 1253 kernel and your bundle. WisTilt2 thinks something is looping in the RIL code... he's having his radio guru look at it.