Originally Posted by arrrghhh
Let's be more methodical about this. adb into the phone as soon as you can and look at top to see what the proc is doing.
On my first boot, system_server was not an issue - which is great. However, a couple of other processes were hogging most of the phone's resources - [mmcqd] and a media process. This was my first boot of your build however. Going for #2 now...
I do think you're onto something - WisTilt2 seems to think something is looping in the RIL, so a bad APN would be along those lines.
Bah, second boot system_server is pegging. Oh well, it was a nice thought.
OK, never mind... I re-take it back a second and I stand on what I said about the sluggishness/FCs originally. It's working for me with the 1253 kernel. No sluggishness, no FCs. It's when I switch to viruscrazy's camera kernel/libraries that I get sluggishness and FCs. So yay, the APN seems to fix the issue when using the 1253 kernel. Just try using the 1253 kernel with the Sprint APN settings I posted above.
Sorry but I have no clue as to the relationship between sluggishness and the system_server pegging. I need to find some time to get the XDandroid development system set up and learn more about it. ADB sounds like a front end to a GDB client on the PC communicating to the GDB server on the TP2.