Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Thanks much bud, that's what I assumed knowing how thorough you are with your stuff, so that's exactly what I did. It was a little sluggish which is why I asked, but I'll keep playing around with it. Thanks again for putting it together (Seeing I haven't a clue how to do that stuff!!!).
I guess the sluggishness didn't go away
I guess the APN edit didn't fix it. It worked fine on mine. The only time I may get sluggishness/FCs now if I try to use it immediately after booting up. If I wait a few minutes, it's fine. Before the APN change, it's sluggish/has FC's regardless of how long I wait. Remember, try letting your phone sit for a few minutes after you see the home screen before attempting to use it.
fish, to get rid of the sluggishness, do arrrghhh's infamous voicemail dialing trick; just dial your voicemail, hangup, and the sluggishness (even FCs) will disappear. Works all the time.