Originally Posted by derfnoslen
What's the point of buying a Ferrari that can't nowadays.... it's 2011? But I understand your point, it's a great phone. I don't think it's the most capable, most powerful smartphone on the market however. The G2 is in the same sphere IMHO.. and CNET's and a few other sites.
The point is that Samsung failed to deliver which I knew they would do. It's a great phone but it's not supported well and that's why I advised people to wait until the next Android release. IF the Epic is the greatest, it's time is at an end.. and it still doesn't have the update. smh
Don't get me wrong. I don't plan on keeping it forever. I know people that still have the original iPhone (seriously?) I am already looking forward to what the next great thing will be. As a Sprint Premier customer I can get an upgrade discount once a year, so you can bet that in August I'll be looking to see what's at the top of the food chain. However, the Epic is the first phone I have ever owned that I am actually happy with now. When I got my TouchPro, I couldn't wait for the TP2, and when I finally got it I was tired of it and ready to move up in less than 2 months. I've had my Epic for almost 5 months now and I am still impressed with it. I agree that Sammy needs to step up and get some better support going, but we have a great dev community supporting it, so I don't really feel like I'm missing anything.