Originally Posted by Boominsvx
OK, I'll tear into it in a few and see what you've got. I can't figure this issue out to save my life. Even reformatted the card. Now I'm just wondering if the /system/build.prop doesn't show the changes even if it does take. You probably don't have yours still on the card, but if anyone else does this, please go to the system folder and open build.prop. I just want to sqush this before moving on unfinished.
I actually took the build.prop from the 1st post here and embedded it into the system.ext2 so no mount is required in froyo.user.conf.
I do have a working version that uses the mount command in froyo.user.conf (build.prop not integrated into system.ext2) if you want it. Give me a second and I just attach it for you.
UPDATE: Boomisvx, see the attached zip file; it contains my andboot.frx04 folder with the files of interest (I didn't include the rest of the FRX04 as they are big and irrelevant to this discussion); this worked for me.