Originally Posted by powinmo
Woohoo! lol
And this is exactly why if I had to stick with a MS mobile OS, it'll be with winmo65x for now. We know the chefs have torn apart everything so we are not completely surprised as to what garbage is running behind the scenes. It will be fun to hear all the privacy gotchas and such by those that are hacking away at wp7 find.
Originally Posted by kyderr
Microsoft has got nothing on Google in terms of Big Brotherness. Google is everything we feared Microsoft would be and more. In addition, you volunteer your data. Searches, e-mail, Voicemail, everything cross referenced and cataloged in a manner that they will not disclose.
Gone a couple of day and the thread catches fire, good to see
I agree with both of you. My main point (which I did not make clear, as my wife is constantly telling me, heh heh) was that Kim Komando, who's daily news letter go out to a 1/2 million people, was calling Windows Mobile 7 phones a brick! If I had posted the rest of the article you would have seen she was recommending android or Apple. Granted, she is a big windows desktop fan, but with mobile friends like her who needs enemy's.