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Old 01-25-2011, 08:49 PM
Stupid-Ass Skull Cruncha
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Re: Vogue users left....

Whoah... You actually compared your Vogue to Big Ben Ruthlesbuggers???
LOL... Too funny.
Don't get me wrong... I'm a life long WinMo fan... Been there since the begining... But you are describing some tedious work which can only be next to impossible on that tiny little screen and with that tiny little stilus.
But if it doesn't bother you... I guess that's what works for you.
Even with my 4.3" screen... The most I want to do on a spreadsheet is look something up... Even on my 10" netbook it's not ideal... I need a real monitor at least 19 inches and preferrably my 32 inch TV in my bedroom (perfect fro TV and PC in the room).
I loved and still love the Vogue. And yes... It does do Excel and other things that only winmo phones can do well... But it's no Ben. And I would trade it for at least one if not more than one of those 60+ options available... I did (I traded my Touch for the TP... TP to TP2 and TP2 to EVO) and I would do it again.
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