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Old 01-25-2011, 04:37 PM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

do a speed test and post yours....if you're still trying to prove me wrong or do you just want to look more foolish? once again, i have sprint and t-mo, i'm not going to pay sprint extra for the same service. if i posted my tp2 results, you'd say screw sprint and their extra charge too. i think, because t-mo doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for anyone. when i unlocked my sprint tp2 last year, i got a better signal on gsm than picking up the hd2 was a no brainer for me. that os that everyone knocks and never tried, wp7, is what's giving me those speeds now...all for the same price as before . my wife has an evo, according to that mobile speed test site, she's getting edge in jax, fl...which has had 4g since july or august. $10...yeah right!

Last edited by Dr.8820; 01-25-2011 at 04:41 PM.
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