Originally Posted by Hypnotic2010
Hey Orange, I have an Iphone 3g on 4.2.1. Tell me if i got this straight. I need Redsnow 0.9.6 b4 correct? With this jailbreak I can Jailbreak but not carrier unlock correct? So I guess I need to know if I can Jailbreak and carrier unlock this 3g on 4.2.1.
Thanks for the help.
you can jailbreak it with redsnow.
if you want to unlock you can do it using the 6.15.00 hack I tell you about in the OP, but note that this will void your warranty and is not reversible until a baseband later than 6.15.00 comes out, but if you care about a warranty because your phone is 2nd hand or over a year old, then I'd go with the 6.15.00 hack or you can wait a couple weeks (I think) when the 5.14.04 baseband you're currently on is unlocked by the iPhone dev team (rumored)