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Old 01-25-2011, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
So T-Mobile may not work for you. But you made it sound like T-Mobile won't work for anyone. The fact of the matter is they have way more 4G coverage than Sprint. They cover around twice as many people, in around twice as many cities. With 4G that is over twice as fast as Sprint's (and getting upgraded to over 4x as fast as Sprint's at this moment). And some of the plans listed on their website are even cheaper than Sprint's, with a whole category of plans that are way cheaper not listed on the website.

No matter how ineffective you think it is to file complaints with the FCC, BBB, PUC, and state AG, it is still a whole lot better than doing nothing and hoping someone else takes care of it.

If every customer that this is affecting files a complaint with the FCC, BBB, PUC, and state AG, I guarantee you it will either get over turned or Sprint will be forced to let every smartphone owner out of their contract without an ETF.

On the other hand, if nobody files anything and everyone just waits for a lawsuit, then nothing will change. Sprint will know for future reference that they are free to raise our bills whenever they want, not even letting us out of our contracts, and we won't do anything about it.
And thats exactly what is going to happen. Sprint is going to continue doing this because they can. I already filed a bbb and ftc complaint back when they wouldn't allow android on unlimited data plans unless they were everything plans. I also filed a complaint with fcc about the 4g coverage and $10 charge. So hopefully other people will do the same. But again, bbb really can't do much except put a strike on their record which has a lot of strikes already.
Also I have never said that t mobile wouldn't work for anyone. This whole time I have said "go with the service that works for you". You can take that anyway you want.
I'm not here to debate coverage or 4g speed. My coverage and speed with my current provider is great and if it wasnt I would change to someone else. Thats all I'm saying. There is no need to start fighting about it. If you want to compare service plans and coverage then start a thread about it, its that easy. I'm glad your happy with tmo and like advertising for them even though I thought you had sprint and an evo. Either way It's good to see someone who enjoys their cell service.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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